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We hope this step-by-step guide can help in making registration easier.



Step 1 - DNA

Collect hair from the mane or tail of the horse you want to register, by pulling (not cutting) about 30 hairs (together with their roots.)

Put the hair in an envelope, write the horse's name on the front (Make sure the name is the same as on the registration application form). Fill in the DNA Recording form on the SAQHA website (SAQHA Forms), and send both to the following address:

DNA Typing Laboratory  (Horses)
  Animal Genetics – Pranisha Soma
   ARC - Livestock Business Division
    Private Bag X2


No Registration can be done before DNA Verification is not received by the Secretary.
Payment must be done to IRENE before any results will be made available to SAQHA.

Payment must be done directly to IRENE. Contact Pranisha Soma on 012 672 9218 / 9027 / 9008 for amount payable.
Banking details: ARC Receipt Account, Standard Bank, Branch 011 545, Account 012 588 792.
Proof of payment must be faxed or emailed to 012 672 9214 / Att: Pranisha Soma for payment to be valid.


Step 2 – Registration Application

Please complete all relevant information on the application form. The application form can be found on the SAQHA website, under the SAQHA Forms section. When in doubt, please contact the Secretary for help.
The markings is the most important part of an application, please make sure all markings are completed on the  the application form.
No photo will be used as a substitute to the marking diagrams.


The electronic form can be completed and submitted to the Secretary, in order for the Registration process to start.

Please also send a hard copy of the form to the Secretary. Attach an indication that DNA was send to the application, this will speed the process.

Send completed application form to:

PO Box 32133
Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein


Step 3 - Secretary

As soon as the Registration Application forms are received by the Secretary, she will check that the Stallion Breed Report submitted the previous season has the Dam listed on the Stallion Breed Report for the particular Sire.
If this is not the case, no registration will continue until the breeder files a Late Stallion Breed Report for the Pending horse’s Sire and Dam.


DNA parentage Verification is checked after verification is received from IRENE, (results will be send by IRENE to the secretary) if this match is positive, the Application with the new DNA number for the Pending Horse is send to Studbook for a Registration Certificate to be issued.


Studbook sends the newly issued Certificate to the secretary – After checking it, it will be sent to the breeder.


Breed Reports


Stallion Breed Report:

These reports are very important to verify that the stallion of each breeder has covered the mares on the Report, with the consent of the particular breeder.

Each stallion should have a separate report with all mares (registered and unregistered) that were exposed to him during that breeding season.


No horse will be registered if the dam is not on a Stallion Breed Report posted by the Breeder who owns the stallion.


Note: These reports have to be submitted by June 30th of each breeding year. (Late fees will be charged for the stallion as well as each mare on the report if received after June 30th.)


The form is available electronically on the SAQHA Website


Transfer Reports

Transfer reports must be completed electronically on the SAQHA Website. A printed copy, together with Original Registration Certificate must be posted to the Secretary.
The Original Registration Certificate is then sent to Studbook for change in ownership to be printed on back of Certificate.
Studbook will return Certificate to Secretary, who will then send it to the new owners.


Note: Original Registration Certificates must accompany the Transfer Reports.

Transfer fees will be payable by the seller.


Please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary for any clarifications


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